Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Reading Journal task 2

Choose ONE character from the book that you're currently reading.  Try to imagine being them; how do you feel?  What is your relationship like with other characters in the book?  What kind of personality do you have?

Write a diary entry for your character, from whereever you are in the book.  Remember that you are writing in the first person ('I woke up feeling awful...').

Begin with 'Dear Diary...'

To really get under the skin of the character, try to use some of the vobulary that they use, so that you capture their 'voice'.

Post in the comments box how you found this task; was it easy or difficult?  Why?  Was the character's voice clear?

Mrs Roberts

Friday, 18 May 2012

Starting a Reading Journal

This week's task is to start your own Reading Journal.  Follow the steps below so that you can begin recording your reading habits, what you enjoy and what you dislike.

1. Get a notebook
2. On the first page write the following: your favourite book; your favourite genre; the last book that you read; the strangest book that you have read; the name of a book you'd like to read.
3. On the next page, write the title and author's name of the book you're currently reading.
4. Write down why you chose this book.
5. Write a brief summary of the story so far of this book.
6. Write down a prediction of what you think will happen in the story.
7. Make a note of the date at the bottom of your notes and the current page number that you are on.


Friday, 4 May 2012

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Friday 4th May - HW

This is the first section of a longer writing task that you are going to complete over this half term.

Task:  Create a 'Captain's Log' for the ship in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Every ship is supposed to have a log book, which is filled in every day by the captain. If he dies, the next senior officer fills it in (usually the First Mate).
You are going to write a series of entries for the log of the ship in the poem.
This should be written in the first person.  For part of the voyage, these will be written by the captain; after all the other men die only the ancient mariner is left to fill it in.
Decide on appropriate dates (the mariner's tale was supposed to be thought of as already very old when the poem was published: it should be no later than about 1700; other clues to the date are the light-house and the mariner's crossbow).
If you wish you can make the log look old by staining the pages, by your handwriting and spelling.
Use quotations and words from the poem in your entries.
Be as descriptive as possible – appeal to the senses (what does it look/sound/feel/taste/sound like to be becalmed at sea?).
After we have studied each section, you will be asked to write the entry for the log that describes what happened in that section.

HW: Write Entry 1 & 2(based on what happens in Parts 1 & 2 of the poem).